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DevExtreme JavaScript DataGrid is a client-side grid control available as a jQuery component. This control supports binding to data from local arrays, JSON files, Web API and OData services, as well as custom remote services. Check out other demos in this section to explore more DataGrid features, like data editing and validation, paging, scrolling, etc.

To get started with the DevExtreme DataGrid component, refer to the following tutorial for step-by-step instructions: Getting Started with DataGrid.

Backend API
$(() => { $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid({ dataSource: { store: { type: 'odata', version: 2, url: '', key: 'Id', beforeSend(request) { const year = new Date().getFullYear() - 1; request.params.startDate = `${year}-05-10`; request.params.endDate = `${year}-5-15`; }, }, }, paging: { pageSize: 10, }, pager: { showPageSizeSelector: true, allowedPageSizes: [10, 25, 50, 100], }, remoteOperations: false, searchPanel: { visible: true, highlightCaseSensitive: true, }, groupPanel: { visible: true }, grouping: { autoExpandAll: false, }, allowColumnReordering: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, width: '100%', columns: [ { dataField: 'Product', groupIndex: 0, }, { dataField: 'Amount', caption: 'Sale Amount', dataType: 'number', format: 'currency', alignment: 'right', }, { dataField: 'Discount', caption: 'Discount %', dataType: 'number', format: 'percent', alignment: 'right', allowGrouping: false, cellTemplate: discountCellTemplate, cssClass: 'bullet', }, { dataField: 'SaleDate', dataType: 'date', }, { dataField: 'Region', dataType: 'string', }, { dataField: 'Sector', dataType: 'string', }, { dataField: 'Channel', dataType: 'string', }, { dataField: 'Customer', dataType: 'string', width: 150, }, ], onContentReady(e) { if (!collapsed) { collapsed = true; e.component.expandRow(['EnviroCare']); } }, }); }); const discountCellTemplate = function (container, options) { $('<div/>').dxBullet({ onIncidentOccurred: null, size: { width: 150, height: 35, }, margin: { top: 5, bottom: 0, left: 5, }, showTarget: false, showZeroLevel: true, value: options.value * 100, startScaleValue: 0, endScaleValue: 100, tooltip: { enabled: true, font: { size: 18, }, paddingTopBottom: 2, customizeTooltip() { return { text: options.text }; }, zIndex: 5, }, }).appendTo(container); }; let collapsed = false;
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.dx-datagrid .dx-data-row > td.bullet { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; }